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How Can Young People Help?
Engagement with culture
Any candidate or elected official who wants to build a successful and well-known brand in modern politics must be prepared and able to engage with the latest social media and communications trends, particularly those that interest younger demographics. On Tik Tok, over 60% of content creators are between the ages of 13-24, while Tik Tok is consumed by a wider range of ages, meaning young people are overwhelmingly creating the content older voters are viewing. As a result, if you do not resonate with young people, you will either be ignored or even negatively targeted on social media. On the other hand, if you create a brand that resonates with young people, the benefits of the free advertising are endless. That’s where we come in.
Shared Future
The policy decisions of today affect the future we inherit tomorrow. Young people have the biggest stake in and highest motivation to ensure policy is well-crafted, defensible, and long-lasting. Young people are also one of the most disenfranchised voting blocks today. Working with young people to help craft policy that is authentic to your values and is communicated effectively, is the best way to build support around you and your ideas and secure the longterm support of the youth demographic.